Jewelry Retouching

We provide jewelry photo retouching services for the products of any complexity and made of any materials: from precious metals to costume jewelry, with and without gemstones. Jewelry photos require intense Photoshop manipulations: blemishes removal, color correction, re-drawing of important parts, blinks and reflections, making the images more acute, and, of course, working with gems.

If ring mounting is not in the focus or is hidden by a glue, it is being drawn or replaced. Our retouch experience in this industry makes it possible to edit the same photo differently and in various styles. Thus we can adjust our jewelry retouch to the same style as existing photos in your catalog, or by our own discretion in case if there is no reference shot.

For any further queries regarding our Jewelry Retouching Service feel free to contact us at

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All new customers will get an opportunity to evaluate our capabilities. Send us free trial images to test the quality and speed of our service first hand! We accept most file formats. You can expect to see the final result within 24 hours or less.

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